21571 & 21581
Widgeon Terrace

Below are the details on the two parcels of land.

21581 Widgeon Terrace Parcel
List Price:  $735,000
County:  Lee
STRAP: 34-46-24-W1-00001.003B
Folio ID: 10230937
Approx Lot Dimensions: 50 ft wide x 100 ft deep
Approx Lot Area:  5,000 sq ft or  0.11 acres
2023 Taxes:   $4,714.05

21571 Widgeon Terrace Parcel
List Price:   $755,000
County:  Lee
STRAP: 34-46-24-W1-00001.003C 
Folio ID: 10230938
Approx Lot Dimensions: 50 ft wide x 100 ft deep
Approx Lot Area:  5,000 sq ft or  0.11 acres
2023 Taxes:  $5,037.39

Note:  All information deemed reliable but not guaranteed.  Any details should be independently verified if desired.

Contact Steve at info@fmbpad.com or +1 (773) 578-5253 for more information.